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3-axle construction semi Staad B.V.

Staad B.V. is an importer of Doosan earth-moving machines. To transport machines, they deploy a Broshuis multi-purpose semi low loader. Read more here.

Koop van Wal - Semi with ECO ramp the best choice

Koop van der Wal loads faster, safer and more efficiently thanks to their semi with ECO ramp. Read how they use this trailer to transport agricultural tractors.

Bolk transport transporting a narcelle

Bolk Transport BV from Almelo (NL) has recently put a new Broshuis PL2 3+7 semi low-loader into operation.

On the road

Van Schie B.V.

Mark Raaphorst is a driver for Van Schie Transport, a company located in Mijdrecht. Mark recently started driving with the new Volvo FM540 10x4 with Crawler gears. The new Volvo forms a completely new span in c...

Van der Werf

The men of Van der Werf Transport, in Bakhuizen in the Province of Friesland, don't worry about a metre more or less, as Van der Werf often transports steel structures for its neighbour, Nagelhout Staalbouw. To...