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COLOSSUS Logistics
COLOSSUS Logistics experiences top-quality with Broshuis SL2 low loaders: user-friendly, reliable, and efficient. A partnership built on trust and quality. Read more.
Atiz Heavy Logistics
Today, we join the striking combination from Atiz on the road! This pink SL2 semi is transporting a pontoon from Damen in the Netherlands to Turkey. Check out the journey!
Stange Spezial- und Schwertransport-Logistik
Sometimes the shortest distances present the greatest challenges. This was the case for Stange at a recent project in the HOLCIM cement factory. Read more.
On the road
Twan Bierings Transport B.V.
Today, Twan Bierings Transport transports a Volvo EC700 from Marknesse to Rotterdam with their brand new 2+4 PL2 dolly low loader combination from Broshuis. Read more here.
MAAT transport
For the diverse transport MAAT has on its schedule today, they deploy their heavy transport combination to be as flexible as possible. Read more.
Sialtech B.V.
Sialtech is an internationally operating fieldwork company with four locations in the Netherlands. For the work that Sialtech performs, Sialtech uses, among other things, heavy earth drills on tracks. The heavi...