Low loader
axle bogies

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  • W = 2,550 mm
  • L = 2,925 mm
  • H = 900 mm
  • Crane arm recess 725 mm wide
  • Air suspended 10 t axles
  • Axle distance 1,335 mm
  • W = 2,550 mm
  • L = 2,830 mm
  • H = 850 mm (SL)
  • H = 875 mm (PL)
  • Crane arm recess 410 mm wide (SL)
  • Broshuis 12 t axles
  • Axle distance 1,335 mm
  • W = 2,750 mm
  • L = 4,300 mm
  • H = 850 mm
  • Crane arm recess 610 mm wide
  • Broshuis 12 t axles
  • Axle distance 1,360 mm
  • W = 2,750 mm
  • L = 4,390 mm
  • H = 1,030 mm
  • Crane arm recess 800 mm wide
  • Broshuis 12 t axles
  • Axle distance 1,510 mm
  • W = 2,850 mm
  • L = 5,900 mm (4-axle)
  • L = 7,410 mm (5-axle)
  • H = 1,100 mm
  • Crane arm recess 920 mm wide
  • Broshuis 12 t axles
  • Axle distance 1,510 mm

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Sales team

Broshuis experts are looking for options and solutions. This requires a great deal of professional expertise, experience and up-to-date knowledge of the market. All our advisors have this in-house and they will do everything to provide you with good advice. We are happy to assist you!

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Chalets, caravan and mobile home transport

Chalet, caravan and mobile home transport is not just about the transport from A to B, but also placing it on the site and completely relieving the customer. See how our trailers help you with this.

Solutions for agriculture

The biggest hurdle with agricultural vehicles is often not the weight, but the shape. The width and height, often including unusual appendages causes issues. This also presents challenges when securing the cargo.