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Wind turbine transportation is a specialised operation. In addition to the complex and expensive components, the route is often difficult with the final destination in a challenging and remote location.
Legislation and regulation also make this type of transport highly specialised and this requires both ‘know how’ and experience. The wind energy sector is constantly evolving. Curious about the latest trends and developments in the wind industry? Read the blog.
An important and reliable supplier is essential in this industry. As one of leading trailer manufacturers in this sector, Broshuis has frequent contact with the various wind turbine manufactures and transporters. As a consequence, we are constantly developing our products and know how to meet the latest requirements of the industry. With this information we are able work closely with you - the operator - to manufacture trailers to meet the latest requirements of the industry. Safety, Quality and Innovation are our strengths in this demanding industry. Our advisors are happy and willing to help you make the right decisions with regard to your transport requirements.