Crane ballast transport

Essential for heavy lifting tasks

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Essential for
heavy lifting tasks

Heavy lifting tasks involve more than just placing the crane. The transport of components such as crane ballast, mast parts, and lifting blocks often requires specialised trailers, as the crane, due to height and axle load restrictions, cannot carry everything on its own. Crane ballast, in particular, places high demands on transport. In this article, we explore the available options.


Crane rental companies

As a crane rental company, you transport ballast, crane and boom parts efficiently within national regulations. We supply customer-specific semis and flatbed trailers to help you do just that. Read more here.

Sales team

Broshuis experts are looking for options and solutions. This requires a great deal of professional expertise, experience and up-to-date knowledge of the market. All our advisors have this in-house and they will do everything to provide you with good advice. We are happy to assist you!

MAAT transport

For the diverse transport MAAT has on its schedule today, they deploy their heavy transport combination to be as flexible as possible. Read more.

Voorbij Funderingstechniek with mounted crane

Dennis Knook has been with Voorbij Funderingstechniek for six years and is just too happy with the 76-ton crane on his Broshuis trailer.