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Your contribution brings us closer to our goal: supporting financially vulnerable families through the With your help, children can receive a gift, enjoy an outing, or simply experience a carefree moment of joy.
Would you like to contribute to our cause? You can make your donation via bank transfer. Please include 'Donation' as description to ensure your donation is processed correctly.
Beneficiary | Broshuis B.V. |
Rekeningnummer | NL91INGB0103454896 |
Description | Donation |
At Broshuis, we’re celebrating our 140th anniversary by joining forces with you to make a meaningful impact for families in need. Your support means the world to us and to the families who rely on this help. Together, we truly make a difference. Thank you once again for your generosity!
Do you need an invoice/proof of donation?
Would you like to receive an invoice/proof of your donation? Please fill in the form below. We aim to send you the invoice/proof within one week.