Canadian Army

Order for 22 HETs

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US - order 557 METS

In November 2023, Broshuis received an order for 557 Medium Equipment Transport Systems (METs) for the US Department of Defence. Read more here.

Integrated Logistic Support

With a focus on reliability, commonality, maintainability and accessibility, our ILS approach minimize downtime and maximize operational readiness, up to 99,5%. Read more.

US - order 466 EHET

In September 2022, Broshuis received an order for 466 Enhanced Heavy Equipment Transporter System (EHET) for the US Department of Defence. Read more.

Defense quality

Quality plays an important role in the procurement of defence equipment. Alongside safety, quality is our most important core value.

US - order 170 IHET

In June 2019 we recieved the order for 170 IHETs for the US Army. It took us just under two years to complete the order. Read more here.