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Foundation piles on transport

GSNED is specialized in all types of ground, road and hydraulic engineering works. In addition, the company is specialized in the conducting of soil survey and testing foundation piles. Testing the bearing capacity of these piles is done with impressive machines that have been specially developed and built for that purpose. This was one of the reasons for the company to take a new heavy transport combination.

The bearing capacity of the foundation piles can be tested in various ways, such as: dynamic, static and pseudo-static. For this last one, GSNED uses an impressive machine, called: ‘PSLT-machine’ (pseudo-static load tester). This unique, 65 heavy weighting machine was built in the Netherlands by FMD Oostburg (Fundex Materieeldienst Oostburg) for an American customer. Recently this PSLT-machine was brought back to Europe and fully reconditioned by FMD Oostburg. 

In contrast with the statemic test machine that GSNED could have at its disposal, the foundation piles can be tested without making use of explosives with the PSLT-machine. This is possible because the machine can drop a weight of at least 25 ton onto the foundation pile. This produces enormous hits which are being measured with high-speed cameras and multiple sensors that are attached to the foundation pile. The information collected by these cameras and sensors is data where the firms BMNED and GSNED can work with.

Getting heavier

Michael de Nijs is together with his father director and owner of GSNED and BMNED. Michael: “We use our own transport equipment for transporting our machines. We noticed we hit the limits too many times with our 4-axle semi low loader. We did not have a solution for this, which resulted in hiring transport. However, we want to do as much as we could by ourselves instead of depending on third parties. That is why we have purchased a new MAN tractor with a Broshuis low loader.” The Broshuis 3-bed-5 low loader with pendle axles has a load capacity of 95 tons, a pretty large margin. Michael: "In addition to transporting our own equipment, we also want to start driving for third parties. With this extra load capacity, we are able to offer the customer a complete delivery program.”


The MAN TGX 41.640 8x4 heavy transport tractor with WSK torque converter was ordered at the MAN trucks dealer Thieu van Dorst in Goes. The GSNED fleet consists entirely of trucks from this German brand. Michael: “When we started with a fieldwork department, next to BMNED, 12 years ago we were looking for a semi-trailer with a loading ramp. However, it turned out there were huge delivery times, but we really needed a truck like that. At the MAN dealer in Goes, we found what we needed, even new in stock! We were able to get started immediately. After that, we searched for a tractor with a semi low loader, which we could find in Goes as well. This resulted in a co-operation which is still very pleasant. "We are now three new trucks, a container car and this 8x4 further and the next container car is already on order."

Experienced driver

The driver of the new MAN is Jos de Bat. Jos knows a lot about heavy transport. “I drove with this kind of heavy stuff for Transport Zeeland for a few years. Then I switched to the lighter work here at GSNED. Although, I am now again driving with the new heavy span and I still like it!” But something has changed for Jos. “At ZTT you sometimes had four trips per day, and you always needed to adjust, convert and extend the trailer. It’s all a bit more relaxed at GSNED and I have to admit, I like that. "Jos said that he liked the fact the new tractor was a MAN. “ I've actually driven MAN trucks for 25 years now. In between, I’ve driven another brand, but I like MAN the most. This new tractor is the best thing you can buy in this segment!''

Remote control

GSNED hasn’t cut down on the MAN. The tractor is equipped with extra lighting, a water tap to wash your hands and stitched company logos in the chairs. On the cabin are images of the other GSNED-equipment. The Broshuis low loader is also nicely composed. The low loader has a hydraulic neck with a detachable dolly with three axle lines. Then there is the four-meter retractable deep bed and a rear calf with five-axle pendular axles with a deep boom slot in between. All functions of the hydraulic suspension and steering can be controlled with a wireless remote control. Driver Jos is able to adjust the rear separately when sitting in the cabin and is able to see actually what is happening on camera.

Cracking tracks 

Jos picked up the Broshuis semi trailer in Kampen yesterday and the machine will be attached to the trailer today. At Fundex, the low loader is disconnected from the neck, after which the heavy crawler machine crawls onto the deep bed. The crunching tracks of the ungainly machine have no respect for the beautiful yellow paint and the lacquered hardwood. High gloss remains beautiful for not that long, a low loader is meant to work with. Michael and Jos drive the heavy machine to the right place, secure the load with chains and close the neck again. This is quite easy, thanks to the multi-connectors and in a few seconds, the whole span is in driving height, ready for departure. Jos walks around it again, takes a few photos and is ready to go to Terneuzen. On the route, he takes the roundabouts, almost as if he is on the road with a city trailer. The Broshuis follows nicely with all its steering wheels, followed by the supervisor.