Bolk Transport
from Almelo

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Custom made

Bolk Transport from Almelo takes delivery of the first 3 semi low loaders of a larger series. The 2 pieces 3-axle double-extendable SL2 semi low loaders have been specially developed for transporting long, relatively light silos. The short semi low loader is also a truly tailor-made solution from Kampen.

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Mammoet Brande (DK)

Discover the 3+7 pendular axle semi low loader from Broshuis, chosen by Mammoet from Denmark for its flexibility and great load capacity. With this trailer, Mammoet is ready for the future!

3-axle SL2 semi low loader double extender

This 3-axle semi low loader SL2 extends twice, to approximately 25.5 meters. The semi trailer is extremely low and light due to its independent wheel suspension. This provides many advantages for you as an operator.

SL2 Independent wheel suspension

The SL2 independent wheel suspension offers many advantages over other axle types. Low weight, lowest loading floor height (from 780 mm), extremely large steering angle and extremely stable handling.
19 July 2024, 08:41

It's almost here again: Truckstar 2024

With a record number of 140 loaded Broshuis combinations! Don't miss this spectacular convoy and the Broshuis special transport square.