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Bolk transport transporting a narcelle

Bolk Transport BV from Almelo (NL) has recently put a new Broshuis PL2 3+7 semi low-loader into operation.

Voorbij Funderingstechniek with mounted crane

Dennis Knook has been with Voorbij Funderingstechniek for six years and is just too happy with the 76-ton crane on his Broshuis trailer.

Transportbedrijf Schoones BV transport various machines

Three identical, 4-axle construction semi low loaders have been put into service by Transportbedrijf Schoones B.V. See the multifunctional use in this video.

On the road

Twan Bierings Transport B.V.

Today, Twan Bierings Transport transports a Volvo EC700 from Marknesse to Rotterdam with their brand new 2+4 PL2 dolly low loader combination from Broshuis. Read more here.

MAAT transport

For the diverse transport MAAT has on its schedule today, they deploy their heavy transport combination to be as flexible as possible. Read more.

Sialtech B.V.

Sialtech is an internationally operating fieldwork company with four locations in the Netherlands. For the work that Sialtech performs, Sialtech uses, among other things, heavy earth drills on tracks. The heavi...